Solutions for brands that promote or sell their products and services online

Tag Management

Apply container tags to your digital properties and run other partner tags through them. Partner tags include, but are not limited to, tags from media platforms, data platforms, CDP partners, fraud detection, viewability, and web analytics platforms.

Web Event Tracking

Track user activity such as clicks on the web and landing pages. Apply custom event listeners on specific assets such as form submissions and videos. Track events using other partner tags such as GTM. Inject custom data into container tags.


Create funnels and funnel stages and apply tags to various stages of your user journey. Get funnel graphs to understand and fine-tune your user journey.

Identity Resolution

Create a unified persona using first-party cookies. Build an extensive identity graph using your organic web activity and any other outreach through emails or Ad campaigns.

Cross domain tracking

Track user activity across all digital properties owned by you.


Run house ads on your digital properties. Run branding and performance ads on third-party platforms or deliver ads as content to power your websites. Use AI-based ad creation tools and automatically create ads from e-commerce feeds such as Shopify.

Sponsorship Listings

Create sponsorship listings that blend with your content and search results. Use custom templates to provide a seamless experience for your website visitors. Ads in sponsorship listings are optimized for maximum engagement.


Create widgets that your partners may run on their own digital properties. Deliver content into these widgets to maximize your engagement.

Newsletter Ads

Deliver ads into newsletters that you send out to your email subscribers. Newsletters are a great way to build a first-party audience pool.

Enterprise Integration

Integrate with your in-house systems bi-directionally. Have our platform post data into your data lake. Our systems can also consume your data like segments to deliver targeted ads to your audience.


Analytics is available for all activity that happens on your digital properties. Extend these data points using your own inhouse data to build a powerful data warehouse.